Corona Virus
You may have heard on the news that anyone with symptoms of a new persistent cough or temperature should self-isolate due to the Corona Virus (Corvid 19).
It has also been said that the older generation are at a higher risk of complications if they contract the virus. If you or someone you know are self-isolating or do not want to risk going outside and need help with anything from food shopping to dog walking please contact Councillor Stuart Penny, telephone 07890 284871 and he will arrange help or support as needed by either himself or by some local volunteers.
Latest News Updates & Completed Projects
In January the Parish Precept was set for 2019/20. An increase of £1,200 was made to raise the Precept to £14,000. This is the equivalent of £2.25 per year to the average band D property. It is felt that with this increase to the Precept the Parish Council can improve facilities within the Parish such as Fernworthy Play Area.
Copplestone Primary School Yellow Lines
Yellow lines to make the roads safer outside Copplestone Primary School have been put in place.
The Parish Council & the school have been working closely with Devon County Council and now children, staff and parents are happy with the results.
In a recent interview with the Crediton Courier Stuart Penny, chairman, Copplestone Parish Council, said: “The parish council was very aware of the dangers caused by vehicles being parked opposite the school during peak times. Children were being forced to cross the road between parked cars, large agricultural vehicles and heavy goods vehicles struggling to pass parked cars and then having to mount footpaths to make their turn, putting yet more children at risk.
The whole situation was a serious accident waiting to happen and Copplestone Parish Council takes road safety seriously.
Copplestone War Memorial
The Parish Council decided that as the war dead from the village were not recorded within the village, although most of the men were recorded on other memorials in nearby parishes , that a memorial stone was to be sited and a flag pole erected.
The rock was kindly donated by Andy Gray of M.C. Kelly and came from Knowle Quarry and stone was worked and the granite panel was supplied by the stonemason. The small grass area at the junction of Sunnymead and Bewsley Hill has been leased from Mid Devon District Council for the purpose of the memorial.
Lighting Up The Parish
The parish council would like to thank David Brassington and his team for all their hard work which led to a very enjoyable and well supported community event. It was so good to see the village coming together and making the event so worthwhile. The Parish council covered the cost of the firework display and insurance with all profits from the event going towards the Copplestone Village Hall Fund.
Fernworthy Car Park Hand Rail
Following several trip / falls on the steps connecting Fernworthy Car Park and Bewsley Hill a hand rail was fitted by Mid Devon Council. Hopefully this will make the pathway and steps a lot safer to use.
The Parish Council are pleased to contribute £400 towards the ongoing provision of our village defibrillator.